Who would be the audience for your media product?
Even though my magazine was originally intended to be more like NME, it ended up being more heavily influenced by Kerrang!
KERRANG! Audience Profile
Young, individually minded and passionate consumers, an audience defined by attitude, passion and loyalty.
Radio - 15-35 male bias.
then 'October '10 - September '11')
However, this group doesn't (in my opinion) fit the appearance of the magazine, and our target audience research found that Kerrang! readers were predominantly teenage girls - which seems more appropriate to me, as the magazine is mainly filled with quite small articles surrounded by large images of rugged young men in bands, and on a look at the fan mail page I didn't see a single post from a 35-year-old man in a suit! I presume these statistics are about the buyers of the magazine, not the readers...
NME Audience Profile
65% Male
50% 16-24
79% ABC1*
This seems more realistic to me, as NME tends to use slightly less vivid colours, more live (less photoshopped) images, so the subjects look more honest and less perfect. These subjects are also in more of a mix of genders. Kerrang! only seemed to feature one or two women in their magazine, and i'd hazard a guess of about a third of NME's articles being about female artists.
http://www.nrs.co.uk/toplinereadership.html (click link 'general magazines', then 'October '10 - September '11')
From this, I decided that my target audience should be in the C2 and D economic class, as they are more likely to be nearer the age group I'm aiming for, which would be young adults, so between the age of 17 and 25. This would mean that they're more likely to want something substantial and informative to read, it would also mean they have the money to go out to different gigs, and will be wanting to find the best ones to spend their time and money on! Most of the bands covered will be Rock/Metal, which are two male-dominated genres, so my target audience will be women.
Our audience research:
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