Sunday 27 November 2011

First Draft of Music Magazine Layout (includes Evaluation)


A couple of problems have occurred with this design - the logo is incredibly basic (not in a good way) and my head and arm obscures the text in the byline. This meant I had to completely rethink the masthead. After consulting my audience, I found out that the slanted masthead wasn't popular, despite what I thought about it being more visually exciting. I also found that the logo looked more professional when I removed the stripe, which I replaced with a slight glow. By moving the angle, i was then able to left-align the words in the byline - however, this created a large gap next to the head of Joe (left), meaning i also had to rearrange where the smaller headlines went.


 The original design left a lot of open space, to stop this, I extended the margins and increased the size of the image in the middle slightly. I also added the sidebar on the right, as this also gave the reader something more visually interesting to look at than a vast block of writing. Unfortunately, this left a large block of writing on the first page that needed breaking up. However, after consulting my audience, i was told that they liked it and didn't think it needed anything in the middle of it. I was also told that they didn't think the lower right image was needed - so that went.
Another unpopular feature was the sidebar, which they felt would be better as a box-out rather than a part of the page.

To get around these problems, I highlighted quotes, making them slightly larger and changing their colour. I shortened the sidebar and widened it.


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