Thursday 17 November 2011

Front Covers and Double Page Spread Annotations

The Zeppelin is an old fashioned mode of transport, Led Zeppelin is a band from the 60's. They've tied this information slyly to their image (left), by comparing them to the band being covered, then showing them with a plane in the background, as if to tell us that this band is the modern day Led Zep - and saying as much in the Title.

Looking back on all these annotations that we'd made showed me just how much we interpret from what we see. How people are shown in images tells us just as much as the text that goes with them does. Take the image from the 'BIRDS OF SLAY' double page spread (left) for example, they're lit up in Gold light, a colour associated with Champions, or winning! On the left, the bassist is bowing down, which is symbolic of reaching the end, reaching a climax or a pinnacle of an event. The drummer looks in awe. The singer/guitarist is striking a strong, leader-like pose, the audience at his feet, which shows his power!

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